Abstract Submission

The Asia Pacific Council of Optometry in association with the Nepal Association of Optometrists is now inviting abstracts for the 24th Asia Pacific Optometry Congress to be held in Kathmandu Nepal from 7-8 September  2024.

Optometrists, educators, and scientists are welcome to submit abstracts for Original Research, Case Study or Clinical Oral Presentation. The submission deadline is 20 July 2024. Can either be oral or poster presentation.

Abstract submission guidelines

Abstracts can be up to 350 words for Original Research / 500 words for Case Study and Clinical Oral Presentation should be submitted via the online form. All submissions must be the original work of the presenting author(s).

In the Clinical Oral Presentation, the Abstract is submitted in one containing the sub-title: Background, Clinical problem(s), Existing solution(s) & its shortcoming, Clinical pearls, Take home message.

In the Case Study, the Abstract is submitted in one containing the sub-title: Patient description, Case history, Physical examination results, Results of pathological tests and other investigations, Treatment plan, Expected outcome of the treatment plan, and Actual outcome.

In the Original Research, the Abstract is submitted in one containing the following sub-titles: Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

Research involving human subjects must have received ethical approval and be conducted in accordance with the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. This statement should be acknowledged in either the oral presentation slides or on the poster.

In case reports, subjects must be de-identified, and if images of the subject are used, identifying features should be obscured. The patient described in the case report must provide permission for their clinical data and images to be used.

It is the author’s responsibility to submit an abstract with correct spelling and grammar. The Selection Committee, however, reserves the right to edit the abstract if it has significant spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Receipt of abstracts will be sent to the email provided. Notification for acceptance of abstracts will be made approximately one month after the closing date for abstract submissions.

There is no limit to the number of abstracts one may submit, provided that the presenter has registered for the Congress as a participant.

The Committee reserves the right to publish the accepted abstracts in official publications of the Conference. The Asia Pacific Council of Optometry holds the copyright to all the materials presented at the Congress and may reproduce the materials in any form for distribution.

FIRST AUTHOR – The first author will be the presenting author. The first author is expected to register and pay the full registration fee, attend the Congress and give the presentation. Speakers that are accepted by the committee must register for the conference before the presentation will be scheduled.

Guideline – Please download the following guideline to prepare your abstract submission.

Submission of abstract constitutes the authors’ consent for printed and online publication by the organizers. It also warrants that the abstract submitter is the sole owner and responsible for all information and content provided to the organizing committee. Every author automatically agrees to the AUTHORS’ DECLARATION as below during online abstract submission:

“The author(s) confirm that my/our presentation does not contain any material/s which has been accepted for presentation or published before and that to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, it contains no material/s previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made. I /We also grant the organisers permission to copy the presentation in part or in whole, subject to the usual acknowledgements.”